You need to avoid gluten, whether you’ve been diagnosed with gluten intolerance or genetic celiac disease. Gluten intolerance is sensitivity to the protein gluten found in grains such as wheat and barley.
After getting a gluten intolerance test, your doctor and dietician will advise you to change your dietary habits to cater to your current condition.
While this is easier said than done, avoiding certain foods is essential to prevent intestinal damage and further complications.
Gluten Intolerance: What it is and Telltale Signs
The term refers to your body reacting adversely to gluten intake. This often leads to damage to the inner tissue lining of the small intestine, which causes poor absorption of nutrients.
Some giveaway signs of having the condition include:
- Bloating
- Diarrhea and Constipation
- Abdominal pain
- Joint and muscle pain
- Autoimmune diseases
- Fatigue and anemia
- Migraines and brain fog
- Skin reactions
- Anxiety and depression
Foods to Avoid
People often associate gluten with grains, understandably since it is primarily found in wheat, barley, and rye. However, you need to steer clear of several other foods and drinks if you’re suffering from the condition of genetic celiac disease or have a gluten intolerance.
Grains Containing Gluten
Some common grains that naturally possess gluten include:
- Wheat
- Barley
- Rye
- Spelt
- Couscous
- Processed Oats
Baked Goods
On your next visit to your local supermarket, pay special attention to the ingredients mentioned on the back of the packaging. Common examples of gluten-containing baked goods include:
- Whole wheat bread
- White bread
- Pita bread
- Flatbread
- Bagels
- Crackers
- Tortillas
- Wraps
- Pretzels
- Cakes
- Pastries
This may come off as a surprise, but certain condiments are also found to contain gluten. Some condiments to look out for are:
- Ketchup
- Soy sauce
- Barbecue sauce
- Salad dressings
- White vinegar
- Gravies
Unfortunately, much of these Italian delicacies are also made from protein. While there are some gluten-free options available, some classic examples include:
- Noodles
- Gnocchi
- Dumplings
Next time you’re out for a drink, make sure to read a couple of labels before putting anything into your system. Look out for:
- Beer
- Rum
- Liqueur
- Brandy
Processed Foods
Many processed items sitting on market shelves are also known to harbor gluten. Make sure to avoid reaching out for:
- Processed cheese
- Canned items such as soups
- Ice cream
- Cereal
- Instant cake mixes
- Meat alternatives
So, What Can You Eat?
When you’re intolerant to gluten, it can seem that much of the foods you used to enjoy thoroughly are now entirely off-bounds. However, apart from several gluten-free options in the markets, here are a couple of foods you can want:
- Organic fruits and vegetables
- Beans and lentils
- Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese
- Poultry and meat
- Dry fruits, nuts, and seeds
Take-Home Message
If you’ve been experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, make sure to get a gluten intolerance test for an early and timely diagnosis.
Although avoiding gluten may seem overwhelming at first, rest assured that there are plenty of delicious and nutritious options for you to enjoy. All you need to do is pay special attention to labels.